| Hi, I’m Renna.
Renna Carver | Software Engineer
Los Angeles, CA
I’m a software engineer specializing in fullstack development. I write about mathematics, education, and software development on my blog. Ready to build something together?
Looking to build a website? Head over to Carver Webdev
| Projects
Project Carver Website making STEM education more accessible through animation and interactivity. HTML, CSS, JS, MathJax, Office
Reading List App Personal reading list powered by Open Library API, CSS, HTML, JS
KnowNative App KnowNative is a web application for learners of traditional Chinese to improve their reading comprehension through studying native language texts. React, Node, Express, MongoDB
Combinatorics Visualizer create a colorful list of permutations from any given string React, HTML, CSS
To-Do List App Personal todo list powered by Passport.js, EJS, Node, Express
| About me
I love puzzles. Whether it’s a quick five minute brain teaser or the way that good design gets all the pieces in just the right place, I’m always excited to explore the ways solutions unfold, both with my students as an educator and with my clients as a software developer.
I love how puzzles are a way to explore the creative act. Oftentimes the creativity I get to explore in music production or learning a foreign language is also found in a great piece of code and, likewise, the logic and problem solving from a math question somehow also finds its way into seemingly unrelated areas of my life, like dance. Puzzles really bring together so many different types of creativity all at once. And I’m endlessly fascinated by that, and, of course, to find and solve the next one.
Let’s start putting the pieces together on your next project!